Saturday 23 March 2013

Armageddon features

Features Example
Focus Group Harry Stamper and his drilling team who are sent up into space to destroy an asteroid, cancelling out the rest of the world as they're the only ones in space, leaving us with a focus group.
Romantic Attachment The romanctic attachment between AJ and Grace - it wasn't originally part of the film but was added because of the success of the Titanic. 
Hero Someone who manages to overcome the disaster that has occurred and save a small group of people, in this case the hero is Harry who sacrafices himself to save the whole world by detonating the nuclear bomb on the asteroid.
Obstacles A series of obstacles which the characters must overcome to get to safety - in this film there was the drill not working on the asteroid, the time limitations and arguments between NASA members and the drill team.
Disruption of normal lifeWhen normal life is disrupted - Richard and Little Richard biking through New York City and traffic jams, people going about their everyday business then being disrupted by fragments of the asteroid crashing into everything. 



Armageddon was released in 1998 by Touchstone Pictures and was directed by Michael Bay.

In this film, NASA discovers that there's an asteroid heading straight for earth that's the size of Texas. 
If the asteroid were to hit earth, it would result in the end of the world, killing off all the life the planet has. NASA develops the plan to blow the asteroid in two using a remote detonated nuclear bomb, which - if detonated early enough - would cause the two separate halves of the asteroid to pass by earth safely. The drilling aspect of the plan proves difficult to the people at NASA, and so they hunt down the worlds best oil driller, Harry Stamper (Bruce Willis) and bring him to the NASA headquarters as a consultant. Under the strict time limitations, Harry decides the best idea is to take his own drilling crew to do the job.

Interesting things about Armageddon;

-  Each of the actors in the drill team came up with what they wanted from the government in exchange for saving the world, and Bruce Willis (Harry Stamper) read them for the first time while the camera was rolling.
- Director Michael Bay made a cameo appearance in the film as one of the NASA scientists. 
- Armageddon took 8 months to shoot, and the film makes shot 1.3 million feet of film.
Bruce Willis had a picture of his daughter in front of him to make him cry in the scene where he had to say goodbye to Grace
- Liv Tyler turned down the role of Grace Stamper two times before finally accepting it.
- The cast of Armageddon are the only civilians to ever wear NASA spacesuits which cost over three-million-dollars each

Wednesday 13 March 2013

The Day After Tomorrow features

Features Example
Focus Group Members of a Scholastic Decathlon team - Brian, Sam and Laura - went to Manhattan in New York and were trapped in a library with a large number of New York citizens who later decided to brace the cold and get out of the city, which killed them off, leaving us with a smaller focus group in the public library. Jack, Sam's dad, and two of his crew/friends set off to find Sam, creating another focus group because they leave the other workmen.
Romantic Attachment From the start of the movie they establish romantic attachment between a lot of characters - Sam and Laura, J.D and Laura, Jason and Janet, and Jack and Lucy.
Hero Someone who manages to overcome the disaster that has occurred and save a small group of people, in this case the hero is Sam's dad, Jack, who faces the cold in order to save his son and the people that he's with.
Villain In this film, the villain is the Vice President of the United States of America, who refuses to listen to and belive what Jack has to say, and is very against having people migrating south because all he worries about is the economy, not what's best for the human race. In the end, he realises the error of his ways.
Sacrafice When a character sacrafices themself to save a group of people, in this film Jack, Jason and Frank were walking to Manhattan to find Sam, connected to one another by rope, when Frank stood on a plate of glass which broke and he fell into a shopping mall. The rest of the glass began to break because of the weight, and to save Jason and Jack, Frank cut the rope, sending him down to his death and sacraficing himself for the safety of Jack and Jason.
Kids The use of children to add drama, because you want the child to survive. In The Day After Tomorrow, there was a sick young boy named Peter, and he couldn't be moved from the hospital unless it was by Ambulance, and all the Abumlances had been evacuated which created tension.
Foreshadowing Often during the opening scene, the disaster in the film is foreshadowed. In The Day After Tomorrow, in the opening scene we see Jack, Jason and Frank drilling in Antarctica when an ice shelf breaks off, foreshadowing what's going to happen.