Tuesday 16 April 2013

Film Trailer Concept Pt. 2

I have edited the story line slightly to add in another focus group, more suspense and tension and to make the story line a bit more realistic.

Louis, Jade, Vic and Ellie are at school on Thursday afternoon, the day before the Easter weekend starts, and Louis comes up with the idea for the four of them plus his older brother, Dan, to go camping for the long weekend.

On the Friday morning, the five of them pack up Dan's car and take it up to the Cashmere hills where they'll spend the weekend. A romantic attachment develops between Ellie and Dan, and we learn that Vic and Jade are in a relationship.


We then cut to another focus group, smaller and consisting of two people - Kellin and Quinn- who work in Wellington as Oceanographers. They see that something strange is occurring in the ocean tides around countries in the Southern hemisphere and begin research into why it's happening. They find out it's because an ice shelf has begun dramatically melting in Antarctica and has increased the height of the ocean and dramatically changed the temperature of it.

The only option they have is to somehow try and contain the melting shelf so the dramatic changes in the ocean won't reach the Northern Hemisphere and cause huge devastation there as well as the Southern Hemisphere.


On the Saturday afternoon of our other focus groups camping trip, there's a sudden drop in temperature which Louis is confused by because he'd checked the weather report which had said the weekend would be clear and sunny.

Suddenly they hear a huge siren, although none of them know what it is, except Dan who volunteers with the fire department and therefore knows that it's the siren to alert everybody of an incoming Tsunami.

The group start trying to pack up but end up leaving their things and getting in Dan's car, taking it as high up the hills as they possibly can before suddenly a huge wave bowls in and wipes out the whole city. Other people had managed to make it high enough up the hills that they were safe, and three of those people are James and Aimee, Louis and Dan's parents, and Ellie's younger sister, Maisy.

Louis, Dan, Ellie, Vic, Jade, James, Aimee and Maisy then go down to see the devastation and look for any survivors who might be hurt or trapped.

Jade goes missing when they're in the city searching for people and Vic has a breakdown which results in him getting trapped under some debris from destroyed buildings. James saves Vic from his spot but dies in the process.

Dan gets a badly cut up leg trying to save a dog that he's found trapped, and needs immediate medical attention.

Louis gets everybody to the park where the survivors have congregated and Dan gets the help he needs for his leg.


Meanwhile the melting ice shelf in Antarctica is safely contained and there are no more serious disasters across the world, although it does terrify people because they realise it could have been them that were so immensely devastated by a huge Tsunami.

In a news broadcast, it is made clear by Kellin and Quinn that the ice shelf incident was not an accident but a repercussion of man's stupidity. People need to be more conservative and cautious, because if the intense amount of pollution, nuclear weaponry and radiation keeps up there isn't going to be a way to fix the problem.

"If we don't look after the planet, why the hell do you think it's going to look after us."

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