Saturday 6 April 2013

Film Trailer Concept

Basic Outline

- Come up with something outrageous. First of all, it needs to have a disaster.
An Earthquake which then triggers a Tsunami that takes out the city of Christchurch.

- Can you make this idea more relevant or interesting to the target audience (year 12 students) somehow?
Younger characters in the focus group, tension and intense moments, unexpected twists and romantic attachments. 

- Is your idea at all possible? For you to create?
Yes it's possible, some of the shots like the Earthquake and any after shots from the Tsunami might be a little challenging, but it's still possible.

- Expand your idea, write a basic outline of the full story. (1/2 page at the least.)

Louis, Jade, Vic and Ellie are at school on Thursday afternoon, the day before the Easter weekend starts, and Louis comes up with the idea for the four of them plus his older brother, Dan, to go camping for the long weekend.

On the Friday morning, the five of them pack up Dan's car and take it up to the Cashmere hills where they'll spend the weekend. A romantic attachment quickly develops between Ellie and Dan.

Saturday afternoon, there's a big earthquake which freaks out Vic and Jade who decide they want to go home, so they pack up their stuff and walk down the hill to catch a bus to take them both home, leaving Ellie, Louis and Dan up on the hill. Later that night when they're asleep, a huge Tsunami comes in and flattens the city below them.

In the morning they wake up and see the destruction. They drive down to find out what's happened, and there's no phone service or power because it was all taken out by the Tsunami.

They try to find their families and Vic and Jade who had gone home the day before. Louis and Dan find their dad and family dog but they can't find their mother. Ellie finds her younger sister who is badly injured but their parents are missing.

There are next to no survivors because of the time of the Tsunami, mostly everyone was asleep so were taken out while they were unconscious. They can't find Vic or Jade anywhere.

Dan, Louis, their father James, the dog and Ellie have to get Ellie's younger sister to a hospital of some sort to fix her badly broken leg banged up head.

There is no physical affects on the people of the rest of the world or country, but it does scare them all and makes people realise they need to be more careful about how they treat the earth, and live their lives to the most because it could end at any time.

- What disaster genre features are already present in the story?

  • A focus group.
  • The normal equilibrium of life is disrupted by unusual and violent events.
  • Romantic attachment (between Ellie and Dan)
  • An opening section in which the key characters are sketched in.
  • Foreshadowing of the Tsunami (the Earthquake)
  • Children (Ellie's younger sister) to add to the drama.

- Can you think of any disaster genre features that you could easily add to the story?
  • A hero who manages to overcome the disaster and save a small group of people.
  • There will be a series of obstacles that the focus group has to overcome before they can reach safety.

- Rewrite your plot outline to include the new features.

Louis, Jade, Vic and Ellie are at school on Thursday afternoon, the day before the Easter weekend starts, and Louis comes up with the idea for the four of them plus his older brother, Dan, to go camping for the long weekend.

On the Friday morning, the five of them pack up Dan's car and take it up to the Cashmere hills where they'll spend the weekend. A romantic attachment develops between Ellie and Dan, and we learn that Vic and Jade are in a relationship.

Saturday afternoon there's a big earthquake which scares Jade who then wants to go home, so they pack everything up but before they can start driving home, they hear a huge siren. Dan knows that it's the emergency siren because he volunteered with the fire department so they get in the car and drive as high up as they can. Other people try get to the hills, including Dan and Louis' parents with their family dog.

Not long after, a huge wave washes over the city, killing thousands of people that hadn't made it high enough. We don't see the big wave but hear it as an aural bridge.

Louis, Dan, Ellie, Vic and Jade go back down to look for survivors - the water has all washed away but nobody knows where to. Louis and Dan find their parents, James and Aimee, and their dog, Kermit. Ellie finds her younger sister, Maisy, who has a really hurt leg so she can't walk and is in a lot of pain. Dan gets caught on something which badly cuts his calf, so his dad rips part of his shirt to wrap around it as a bandage, but Dan still needs immediate medical attention - so does Maisy.

Jade goes missing and Vic has a breakdown and ends up getting trapped under some debris. James, Louis and Dan's father, saves Vic but dies in the process - killed by falling debris.

Louis gets everybody to the park where the survivors have met and Dan and Maisy get the medical attention they need.

There are no physical affects on people around the world, but it does mentally hurt the deceased's families and friends in other parts of the country. It also scares people and makes them realize they need to have emergency plans set, and that they should make the most of their lives because unexpected things happen at unexpected times.

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