Thursday 9 May 2013

Writing - select and structure

Plan and Pitch

Who is the main character?
The main characters are Louis and Dan who are brothers. The focus group of Ellie, Vic, Jade, Louis and Dan are very important, along with Kellin and Quinn who are another focus group.

What is their problem?
There's a Tsunami that takes out the city of Christchurch and severely damages and affects the wider Canterbury area. Louis, Dan, Vic, Jade and Ellie are camping in the Cashmere hills when the Tsunami hits so they're safe from the huge wave, although their friends and families fates are uncertain. 

How will the audience recognize the problem?
The audience will recognize the problem easily, because there is a news report that states what it is, and there are certain shots .

What is your characters goal?
Louis and Dan's goal is to keep their friends safe from any kind of harm, and Dan very much wants to keep Ellie safe because he really fancies her a lot.

How will the screenplay begin? What is the opening image?
The film trailer will begin with the green splash screen, then it will go to a series of shots of the city of Christchurch in a warm, summery kind of setting.

How is dialogue used in the text?
Dialogue is used between the characters during conversations with each other, on a TV report and as voice overs.

Selection and structuring

How will the trailer begin?
The trailer will begin with the green splash screen and then will go to shots of the city of Christchurch.

What is the climax of the trailer?
The climax of the trailer is when the Tsunami hits, and the few moments before hand.

How will the trailer end?
The trailer will end with a dramatic, fast montage followed by the title of the movie with the voice over "If we don't look after the planet, why the hell do you think it's going to look after us."

Story Outline

Opening image/scene

How will you hook the reader/viewer?
I will hook the viewer into the film with the light and happy tone of the beginning with the shots of Christchurch, and the catchy music.

How will you establish the setting and introduce the main character(s)?
The setting will be established by using wide shots and pans to show where the main characters are. The main characters will be established by using close ups and mid shots.

Build up

How will you establish the main relationships?
Through conversation between the characters, and also their body language and the way they act around one another. The main relationship(s) is between Louis and Dan and their brother bond, and the romantic attachment between Ellie and Dan.

How will you develop the characters and setting?
I'll develop the characters and setting from different shots (close ups, mid shots and long shots) to show the changes in emotion and reactions, and to show their surroundings.


How will you introduce the problem?
Through a shot to a separate focus group of Kellin and Quinn who are Oceanographers and have found there are weird temperatures and things going on with the currents, which will lead up to a news report about an immediate evacuation and a Tsunami warning.

Will there be multiple obstacles shown in the trailer?
There will be a couple, but some of them will be kept a secret and surprise so the actual film would be less predictable. One of the obstacles that will be shown is Louis and Dan's parents not knowing if they should evacuate or go to their kids, and end up getting really stuck in traffic and the time slipping away. Another obstacle that will be kind of foreshadowed is Jade's meltdown which would be a lot more serious in the actual film.

How does your character set about dealing with the problem?
Their character flaws start getting in the way and making them handle the problems irresponsibly but it all works out fine in the end. 


What events will you use to show the characters trying to overcome the obstacles?
Louis and Dan's frustrated parents trying to take a different couple of routes because of backed up traffic, and Dan and Vic trying to keep Jade calmed down.

How will the story end? What will be the final image?
The story as a whole will end with a funeral for Louis and Dan's father, and will cause the focus group and others to change, Dan will move to Wellington and begin studying oceanography and Louis will fall behind in school. The story in the trailer will end with a fast paced montage and a short glance at Quinn's face as she says "If we don't look after the planet, why the hell do you think it's going to look after us." The final image of the trailer will be Quinn's face, and will black out to show the title of the film.

Character Profiles

Character Outline
Brainstorm ideas and describe your characters. Avoid generalisations and stereotypes for your character(s).

The protagonist is the main character. Their pursuit of a goal should form the basis of the narrative. Make notes on the protagonist's name, gender, age, physical appearance, temperament, personality, loves, dislikes, fears, desires, goals, habits and quirks.

Louis Waters

- 17 year old male

- Average build with scruffy dark hair and a warm smile

- He's a very happy and outgoing person, he is also very adventurous and is keen to try just about anything. He is quite intelligent and thinks highly of himself without being an arrogant snob.

- Loves: Adventure, hanging out with his friends, playing soccer and basketball

- Dislikes: Being controlled and told what to do

- Fears: Injury, sharks and losing his brother Dan

- Desires/goals: Anything adventurous, he wants to live a life that he has a lot of control over 

- Habits: Eating 

Dan Waters

- 22 year old male

- Tall and quite well toned with dark hair and a huge smile

- He's a joyful, outgoing person and is very caring and protective over people that he loves. He is intelligent and very easy to get along with

- Loves: Helping people, his volunteer job as a firefighter, hanging out with his friends and his younger brother Louis, listening to music, surfing and nature

- Dislikes: Smoking and when his loved ones are put in a dangerous situation

- Fears: His loved ones dying or getting hurt, not being able to be a fire fighter

- Desires/goals: To become a full time firefighter or get trained in medicine

- Habits: Sleeping in

Supporting characters

Elli, Vic and Jade - Louis' best friends
They go on the camping trip with Louis and Dan, making up the focus group. Vic is who keeps Louis quite grounded and is always someone he can joke around with. Jade is newer to the group of friends because she's Vic's girlfriend, but she is also a big part of why Louis is such a cheery person. Ellie and Louis are like brother and sister and they share everything with each other, which is why Louis is never suffering with a huge weight on his shoulders.
Kellin and Quinn
They are Oceanographers in Wellington and they are the reason that we know about the Tsunami because they announce it on a breaking news report. 
Louis and Dan's parents, dad and Aimee
To make the family bond seem stronger and a lot more important. They are also an added factor in the tension and stress with their reactions to the news of the incoming Tsunami.

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